Погледајте магију Закинтос kрстарење
Посетите бродолом, Блуе Цавес и невероватна плажа Ксигиа.Закинтос kрстарење Детаљи
Цруисе Детаљи
- Workweek:9:45am to 18:30pm
- Weekend:9:45am to 18:30pm
- Holidays:9:45am to 18:30pm

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Погледајте шта видимо у нашим крстарењаСведоштва
Seven Million islands with them
I want to go to Seven Million islands with you guys… You rock!!
Big Smiles
The captain was so funny that we couldn’t stop to laugh around the cruise. Go with captain Kostas…
All perfect
The cruise was perfect. The weather was perfect! The captain was perfect!