La crociera quotidiana migliore a lefkada!
Non perdete il vostro tempo dentro una macchina per andare in tutte le spiaggie. Godete i luogi più fantastici di lefkada!Dettagli della crociere Lefkada.
crociere giornaliere
- Workweek:9:30am to 18:30pm
- Weekend:9:30am to 18:30pm
- Holidays:9:30am to 18:30pm
Godete i luogi fantasticiFoto
Guardate le cose che guardiamo nelle crociere nostre.Opinioni
Seven Million islands with them
I want to go to Seven Million islands with you guys… You rock!!
Big Smiles
The captain was so funny that we couldn’t stop to laugh around the cruise. Go with captain Kostas…
All perfect
The cruise was perfect. The weather was perfect! The captain was perfect!